MensWorkoutsJune2015, fitness, odżywianie - inne, magazyny
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]//-->Men’s WorkoutsJune, 2015magazineBenefits ofresistancetrainingBenefits ofResistancetRaining toDistanceRunningathleteselasticResistancetRainingWeight TrainingVersusResistanceTraining1contents01040710131619222426Weight Training Versus ResistanceTrainingBenefits of Resistance Training ToDistance Running AthletesBenefits of resistance trainingElastic Resistance TrainingFacial Resistance Training and theBenefitsHow Seniors in Society Can BenefitFrom Resistance TrainingHow to Add Mass on Your Arms UsingResistance TrainingMyths about Abdominal Muscles ThatYou Should Never Believe InTips To Consider When Choosing Re-sistance Tube ExercisesBasic Components That an Ideal Re-sistance Training Program ShouldHaveWeight trainingVersusresistance training1Weight training is a common typeof strength training that involvesuse of weight and force of gravityto oppose the force that the bodygenerates leading to contraction.In this training, you will equipmentsuch as dumbbells and weightedbars to perform the exercise. Onthe other hand, resistance traininguses resistance to create contrac-tion with the body muscles. Themostly used equipment in resis-tance training is the elastic band.Both weight training and resistancetraining are important as they offermany benefits though in differentdimensions.STRENgTHENINg OFTHE MUSClESBoth weight training and resistancetraining helps in strengthening ofthe muscles. In resistance training,you exercise by use of elastic bandwhile in weight training it involvesweight lifting. For beginners it isadvisable to strengthen musclesusing the different resistance train-ing exercises, as weight training isa bit complex.MUSClE MASSBoth weight and resistance train-ing increases the muscle mass. Inweight training, this is possiblewhen the muscles contracts whilein resistance, it is possible throughresistance as the name suggests.Weight training uses equipmentsuch as weighted bars while re-sistance training uses tied elasticband on a post for this purpose.of fats. Research has it thatfor every one calorie thatthe body burns, it loses twopounds of fat.REdUCES AgINgPROCESSWhen you are aging, thebody tends to lose somemuscle tissues. These twotrainings can restore the tis-sues by a great percentagethus reducing the aging pro-cess. Through these exercis-es, you will look young andthey will restore your vital-ity. If you are already feelingweak, it is advisable to trainwith resistance trainingequipment then advance toweight training at the guid-ance of the gym instructor.lOSS OF FATAlthough using different equip-ment and methods, both weightand resistance training helps re-duce the fat that accumulates inthe abdominal lining. These exer-cises contribute to faster burningof calories that leads to reduction2REdUCE dISEASESIt is advisable to take part in these trainings asthey help reduce diseases such as blood pres-sure, heart diseases, type II of diabetes, bloodpressure, and triglycerides. If you are sufferingfrom any of these diseases, it is advisable to seekguidance from your doctor before you start car-rying out these exercises. They will guide you onthe basic component of these programs and in-struct you when you need to continue or stop theexercise.Many people claim that these two exercises arethe best when you need to build body muscles. Itis upon you to decide if you will use the resistanceor the weight training. When making this decision,ensure that you involve a gym instructor and yourphysician. Although these two kinds of training of-fer almost the same benefits, it is advisable to startwith the simple exercises before proceeding to thecomplex ones. Both men and women can use thesetwo kinds of training so women should not limitthemselves to resistance training.3 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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