Mind Gym An Athlete-s Guide to Inner Excellence ebook3000, fitness, odżywianie - inne, ebooki - ang, pl, sport
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]//-->MIND GYMAN ATHLETE'S GUIDETO INNER EXCELLENCEGARY MACK WITH OAVID CASSTEVENSFOREWORD BY ALEX ROORIGUEZwww.ebook3000.comAdvance Praise forMindGym"Forthe pasteightyears Gary"Bat "Mackhas beena greathelptomeand my teams.MindGymcan help you whether YOII're aplayer, coach, or manager."-LouPINIELLA,MANAGER, SEATTLEMAIlINEIlS"GaryMackdrawsfromdecadesofexpertisearid research to providethe most preciousgemsofperformancewisdom. This book willhelp YOII perform optimallyunderpres5llre and overcome adversitiesalongtheway.JI-PAULG. STOLTZ,PH.D.,AUTHOR OF NATIONALBESTSELLERADVERSITY QUOTIENT"Ibelieve bllildirlgmentalmuscleisjustasimportant asphysicalrrmscleto bea champiorl. Thisbook beLongsineverygym bag."- BILL PEARL,MR. UNIVERSEANDWBBA HALLOFFAME"OnceIstartedreadingMindGymIcollldll'tpllt it down. It'swhat we're all about attheGrand Canyoll State Games, whichiscOl1lpetitionfor everyonerega rdLessof age or abiLity. Anyone whocompeteswill receivesomethingpositive fromthis book."-ERIKWIDMARK,CEO, GRAND CANYON STATE GAMES"Asthe father of allMVP,Irecommendthis bookto all parentsinterestedinhelping theirchildren reachtheirfilII potentialon andoJ! theJield."-KEN GRIFFEY SR., ALL-STAR AND CEO OFGRIFFEYINTERNATIONAL"Ahome run,tOllchdol.vn, and slam-dunk aILil/.one. "-BOBKRIEGEL,BESTSELLING AUTHOR ANDCO-AUTHOROFINNER SKlINCWITH TIM GALLWEYwww.ebook3000.com"Ever),onereceives acertain amollnt ofCod-givenability.Ollrjob,asathletes,is togetthe mostOllt ofthat tale/It. This bookprovidesexcellentteachings ill trainillgone'slIIind to reachandmaintain.peakperformance."-MIKENEIL,GOLDMEDALWINNER, SYDNEYOLYMPICGAMES,SUMMEIl 2000"Who wouldthink me/ltalaspects couldbesoI11l1chfim?This isthesilllplest,mostaccuratea/Identertai/ling//lentalcoachillgbookavailable.It's filn to readarid easyto IInderstalld."-JIM COLBORN,MAJOR LEAGUEALL-STAR ANDPITCHINGCOACH"As an avid golfer,Irecollllllendthis book toanyonedesirillg toraise their productivityorto lower their halldicap."-DAN QUAYLE, 4-HANDICAPPER AND FORMEIlVICEPRESIDENT OF THEUNITED STATES"MindGymisanother example of cary's abilityto usestoriestocoachus through thechallengesthat lifesendsourway.It isfilledwithsuggestiollsthat will make athletes, fircifighters, teachers,artists,and everyolle1I10re positive, productive,alldhealthy in theirpersonal and 1II0rk lives. This book lIIill/'ltakeyouabetterperformer in the"game oflife."-DENNIS COMPTON, FIRE CHIEF AND AUTHOR OF THEWI-IEN IN DOUBT,LEADBOOK SEIlIES"Whether it's board roOInorlocker rOOIlI, thefomwla for successisthesame.MindGymnot0111)' shouldbe required readingforever), aspirillg athlete,blltelleryone IIIhowishes toexcel intheirchosenfield. I havesuccessfully appliedmall)'oftheconceptsdiscussed in the book to theoperation of our ownfinancialinstitution."-DAVIDHIGHMAIlK,CHAIRMAN AND CEO,NORTHERNTIlUST BANKOFAIlIZONAwww.ebook3000.comMI NOGYMAN ATHLETE'S GUIDE TOINNER EXCELLENCEGARY MACK WITH DAVID CASSTEVENSFOREWORD BYALEX ROORIGUEZMcGraw'HillNew York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid MexicoCityMilan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Torontowww.ebook3000.comTheMcGraw HillCompamesLibrary of Congress Cata\oging-in-Publication DataMack,Gary.Mind gym: an athlete's guide to inner excellence/Gary Mack withDavid Casstevens ; foreword by Alex Rodriguezp.cm.ISBN 0·8092-9674·8 (hardcover)-0·07-139597-0 (paperback)1.Sports-Psychological aspects.2. Success-Psychologicalaspects.I.Casstevens,David.11.Title.GV706.4.M32796'.01-dc21200100-64387This book is dedicatedtoallthe athletes, coaches,andteamswehave hadthe privilege of working with.Copyright©2001 by GaryMack. All rightsreserved. Printed in the UnitedStates of America.Exceptas permitted under theUnitedStatesCopyrightAct of1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any formor by any means, or stored in a database or retrievalsystem,without the priorwritten permission of the publisher.1718192021222324 FGRJFGR 098ISBN-13: 978-0-07·139597-7ISBN-l0:0-07-139597-0Cover designbyNick PanosCover photograph copyright©Stone/Robert DalyAuthor photograph byDavidCarlsonMcGraw-Hillbooks are available at special quantity discounts to use aspremiums and sales promotions, or for use in corporate training programs. Formore information, please write to the Director of Special Sales, ProfessionalPublishing,McGraw-Hill,TwoPennPlaza, New York, NY 10121-2298. Orcontactyour local bookstore.This book is printed on acid-free paper.www.ebook3000.com [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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