Medical Masterclass Enrinology, Książki medyczne

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//-->MEDICAL MASTERCLASSEDITOR-IN-CHIEFJOHN D FIRTHDM FRCPConsultant Physician and NephrologistAddenbrooke’s HospitalCambridgeENDOCRINOLOGYEDITORMARK GURNELLPhDFRCPUniversity Lecturer and Honorary Consultant PhysicianUniversity of Cambridge and Addenbrooke’s HospitalCambridgeSecond EditionDisclaimerAlthough every effort has been made to ensure that drug dosesand other information are presented accurately in this publication, theultimate responsibility rests with the prescribing physician. Neither thepublishers nor the authors can be held responsible for any consequencesarising from the use of information contained herein. Any productmentioned in this publication should be used in accordance with theprescribing information prepared by the manufacturers.The information presented in this publication reflects the opinions of itscontributors and should not be taken to represent the policy and views of theRoyal College of Physicians of London, unless this is specifically stated.Every effort has been made by the contributors to contact holders ofcopyright to obtain permission to reproduce copyrighted material. However,if any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publisher will be pleased tomake the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.LIST OF CONTRIBUTORSDr M GurnellPhD FRCPUniversity Lecturer and Honorary Consultant PhysicianUniversity of Cambridge, Department of Medicine andAddenbrooke’s HospitalCambridgeDr MZ QureshiMRCP(UK)Consultant PhysicianMid Cheshire Hospitals NHS TrustCreweCheshireDr RK SemplePhD MRCP(UK)Wellcome Trust Clinician Scientist and Honorary Specialist Registrar inDiabetes and EndocrinologyInstitute of Metabolic ScienceUniversity of CambridgeCambridgeDr JW TomlinsonPhD MRCP(UK)Clinical Lecturer and Wellcome Clinician Scientist FellowInstitute of Biomedical ResearchUniversity of BirminghamBirminghamDr AM WrenPhD MRCP(UK)Consultant Physician and Honorary Senior LecturerChelsea and Westminster Hospital and Imperial College LondonLondon© 2008, 2010 Royal College of Physicians of LondonPublished by:Royal College of Physicians of London11 St. Andrews PlaceRegent’s ParkLondon NW1 4LEUnited KingdomSet and printed by Graphicraft Limited, Hong KongAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, storedin a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except aspermitted by the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, without theprior permission of the copyright owner.First edition published 2001Reprinted 2004Second edition published 2008This module updated and reprinted 2010ISBN: 978-1-86016-273-2 (this book)ISBN: 978-1-86016-260-2 (set)Distribution Information:Jerwood Medical Education Resource CentreRoyal College of Physicians of London11 St. Andrews PlaceRegent’s ParkLondon NW1 4LEUnited KingdomTel:+44(0)207 935 1174 ext 422/490Fax:+44(0)207 486 6653Email: of contributors iiiForeword viiPreface viiiAcknowledgements xKey features xiENDOCRINOLOGYPACES Stations and AcuteScenarios 31.1 History-taking 31.1.1Hypercalcaemia 31.1.2Polyuria 51.1.3Faints, sweats andpalpitations 81.1.4Gynaecomastia 121.1.5Hirsutism 141.1.6Post-pill amenorrhoea 161.1.7A short girl with noperiods 171.1.8Young man who has ‘notdeveloped’ 201.1.9Depression and diabetes211.1.10Acromegaly 231.1.11Relentless weight gain241.1.12Weight loss 261.1.13Tiredness and lethargy291.1.14Flushing and diarrhoea321.1.15Avoiding anothercoronary 341.1.16High blood pressure andlow serum potassium371.1.17Tiredness, weight lossand amenorrhoea 391.2 Clinical examination 421.2.1Amenorrhoea and lowblood pressure 421.2.2Young man who has‘not developed’ 431.2.3Depression and diabetes451.2.4Acromegaly 451.2.5Weight loss and grittyeyes 471.2.6Tiredness and lethargy481.2.7Hypertension and a lumpin the neck 481.3 Communication skills andethics 501.3.1Explaining an uncertainoutcome 501.3.2The possibility of cancer511.3.3No medical cause forhirsutism 521.3.4A short girl with noperiods 531.3.5Simple obesity, not aproblem with ‘the glands’541.3.6I don’t want to take thetablets 551.4 Acute scenarios 561.4.1Coma withhyponatraemia 561.4.2Hypercalcaemic andconfused 601.4.3Thyrotoxic crisis 611.4.4Addisonian crisis 631.4.5‘Off legs’ 652.22.32.4Diseases and Treatments 682.1 Hypothalamic and pituitarydiseases 682.1.1Cushing’s syndrome 682.1.2Acromegaly 712.1.3Hyperprolactinaemia732.1.4Non-functioning pituitarytumours 762.1.5Pituitary apoplexy 772.1.6Craniopharyngioma782.1.7Diabetes insipidus 802.52.1.8Hypopituitarism andhormone replacement83Adrenal disease 852.2.1Cushing’s syndrome 852.2.2Primaryhyperaldosteronism 852.2.3Virilising tumours 872.2.4Phaeochromocytoma892.2.5Congenital adrenalhyperplasia 922.2.6Primary adrenalinsufficiency 94Thyroid disease 972.3.1Hypothyroidism 972.3.2Thyrotoxicosis 1002.3.3Thyroid nodules andgoitre 1052.3.4Thyroid malignancy 107Reproductive disorders 1072.4.1Delayed growth andpuberty 1072.4.2Male hypogonadism 1112.4.3Oligomenorrhoea/amenorrhoea andpremature menopause1132.4.4Turner’s syndrome 1152.4.5Polycystic ovariansyndrome 1162.4.6Hirsutism 1182.4.7Erectile dysfunction 1202.4.8Infertility 123Metabolic and bone diseases1252.5.1Hyperlipidaemia/dyslipidaemia 1252.5.2Porphyria 1282.5.3Haemochromatosis 1302.5.4Osteoporosis 1312.5.5Osteomalacia 1342.5.6Paget’s disease 1362.5.7Hyperparathyroidism1372.5.8Hypercalcaemia 1402.5.9Hypocalcaemia 141v [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]