Merton Crown Against Concubine The Untold Story Of The Recent Struggle Between The House Of Windsor And The Vatican ...
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]//-->N. H. MertonCROWN AGAINSTCONCUBINEThe Untold Story of the Recent Strugglebetween the House of Windsor and the VaticanEXPOSED!The true origins of Templarism.The Norman identity of the oligarchy commonly known asthe neo-British Empire.The origin and real significance of the recent scandals that haverocked the political establishment.The spooks who have infiltrated both Crown circles and the nationalistmovement, including many names that will be familiar to and trustedby the reader.CONTENTS: Spiritual Struggle Against the Order of Death; Espionage asWill and Misrepresentation; Prince Charles; Diana and William; The"Duchess of Kent" and Other Double Bluffs; Charles Manson and OtherSatanists; Inside the Corpse Factory; The Jesuit Plan of World Conquest;The Hidden Hand of the Jesuits in the Death of Diana Sinclair, The JesuitsSplit the House of Windsor and the City of London; Symbolic Sacrifice inthe Antipodes; Stephen Milligan Yet Another Ritual Sacrifice; Emily Ban-is a Catholic Asset; The Jesuits Killed James Rusbridger; A Call to Arms,An End to Human Sacrifice.Also includes a refreshingly impassioned look at English history, ancient andmodern, from the perspective of a Christian nationalist.All facts authenticated with explanations and citations by N. H. Merton.CROWN AGAINST CONCUBINE:THE UNTOLD STORY OF THE RECENTSTRUGGLE BETWEEN THE HOUSE OF WINDSORAND THE VATICANThe ruling motive in politics, as intelligent men know verywell, is interest. Those resounding cries and plausibleprinciples on which to the young and innocent the battleappears to be fought are usually the pretext, the flag, thecolour of action; men and especially politicians, seldom avowtheir true motive, but nearly always wrap it up in somevirtue, faith, or plausible abstraction.Ian D. Colvin The Unseen Hand In English History.The historical importance of the defeat of the Armada is this:it laid the cornerstone of the British Empire by endowingEngland with the prestige Spain lost. And it was this prestige,this faith in her destiny, that urged the English along theirimperial way, until their flag floated over the greatest empirethe world has so far seen: the empire of the oceans and theseas, which from rise to fall was to endure for over 300years.J. F. G. Fuller The Decisive Battles of the Western World.SPIRITUAL STRUGGLE AGAINSTTHE ORDER OF DEATHWe stand on the eve of the millennium and the symbolic importance ofthis fact is firmly fixed in the minds of those who wish to leave thestamp of their personality on the history of 'the next thousand years'. Ido not have the time, nor the resources, to give an exhaustive account ofthe various forces currently competing for world power. Ideologists ofthe so called 'left' and 'right' generally suffer from an absurdlyreductionist approach to the issue of who rules the world. Although thetentacles ot a Satanic conspiracy are to be found everywhere, theLegions of the Anti-Christ are in disarray. While those who haveconsciously embraced evil fight among themselves, no monolithicpower elite will succeed in imposing its rule across the entire span ofthe earth. Right now, two of the major power blocks battling each otherfor world domination are the House of Windsor and the Vatican. Forthe time being, the supporters of Popery have gained the upper hand.1Writing in the Catholic Herald, edited by the evil ChristinaOdone, Jesuit hatchet man Paul Johnson compared the disintegration ofthe Church of England to the fall of the Berlin wall. However, if as theevil Odone and her innumerable agents wish, there is a mass conversionof the English to Romanism, the import of this metaphor would bebetter understood by the masses if Papal victory was compared to thebombing of Hiroshima. Men who have studied history understand thatthe German state is a chaos of nations that can only be yoked togetherthrough a barbarous programme of imperial expansion. It is the task ofthose fighting for freedom and Christian Truth to oppose Mariolatry,'German' paganism and the money worship of the City Guilds thatbankroll the Church of England. There can be no vacuum in geo-politics and the revolutionary knight must be ready to assume powerbefore his nation slides into total anarchy.As we race towards the year 2000, neither the Crown nor tneVatican are prepared to surrender in the fight for the soul of Europe.However, with the audacious theft of the occult tools used by PrinceCharles in his Satanic rituals, Rome has clearly gained the upper hand.Vatican agents stole the Prince's magical weapons from St James'sPalace on the night of February 24th 1994. The Norman establishmentimmediately attempted to cover up the significance of the break-in byclaiming that only valuable trinkets such as gold cuff-links weremissing. However, since the crack Jesuit snatch-squad who made thedaring raid failed to locate the hand of John the Baptist — secretly keptunder lock and key in the building since 1944, when it was recovered inFrance — armed soldiers were put on patrol outside the palace to guardthis irreplaceable treasure. In all probability, the police will soon fingera patsy to take the rap for the 'burglary' in the Mall because the Crownis loathe to admit that it came so close to loosing the one item thatenables it to remain in business as a major world power.Although centred on London and Rome, the battles currentlyraging are being waged across the globe. If the Vatican is victorious,the entire human race will be brought to its knees like 'pilgrims'debasing themselves to Satan at Lourdes or Fatima. Should PrinceCharles have his way, then the world will be reduced to everlastingbestiality. Of course, this will not make a blind bit of difference to themasses, that multi-'racial' hodge-podge inflicted on England by theNormans, who will happily watch their neighbours' children sacrificedto Sol Invictus on Saturday night tv specials. Brutality and physicalstrength are the only things the masses respect, they crave leaders whowill pander to this atavistic desire for a thrill of horror. But those of uswho are true Englishmen of Saxon stock and have risen above thephysical, to embrace the metaphysical, know that it is our sacred duty tooppose barbarism and the cult of death with the holy creed of light and life.2Anyone who doubts the urgency of the revolutionary knight'smission to save our Saxon heritage, need only travel to a country whereRomanism is the official 'religion' to see what Catholic doctrines do to anation that slaves under them. A blight shrivels up the bloom ofintellectual vigour, a barren selfishness blasts away healthy moralfeeling, and dark suspicions furrow every brow and destroy thequickening influence of animating spirit. Signs of a degradingsuperstition force themselves upon the traveller at every turn. Images ofvirgins and saints line the streets, while churches and gaudy shrines aredecked with the costly gifts of servile 'worshippers'. The Papist cannotattain any religious views amid this gross display because idolatry shutsout all feeling for an omnipresent Deity. The spiritual senses areeffectively blunted and grovelling images destroy the purity of worship,and humanise those affections that ought to be Divine. Every feature ofChristianity is presented to the people in a debased form, with the resultthat their idea of 'religion' is mean and carnal.Today, the calamities that have long been associated with Romeare being visited upon our Protestant nation. As English nationalists, weknow that those who rule our country ought to protect our people justas a shepherd guards his sheep. Since Westminster fails to defend ourpeople from Satanic perversion, since our rulers oppress us, destroyancient customs and treat us as slaves, they have exposed themselves astyrants who've pledged allegiance to the forces of darkness. Findingourselves in this situation, it is our duty to depose monarchs andparliaments and put in their place men appointed by God, so thatEngland may pursue her destiny. Our country must be allowed to fulfilher special role among the nations of the world, just as God willedwhen he created this land. It is in times such as these that there emergesamong the people a Christian Warrior to guide them to victory, just asKing Alfred and Oliver Cromwell appeared in our nation's hour ofneed.Today, Alfred is chiefly remembered for burning a few cakes,but in the coming Age of Faith, every schoolboy will know that hedefended our country against the Viking hordes and clearly set downthe only basis of sovereignty: 'There is only one way by which to buildany kingdom, and that is on the sure and certain foundation of Faith inJesus Christ, and in Jesus Christ crucified, and it is on that foundationthat I intend to build my kingdom'. Thanks to Alfred's struggles,England was saved. The Saxon resurgence continued under Edward theElder and Athelstan and by 926, Christian values prevailed everywheresouth of the River Tees. This flowering of English culture reached itsheight during the reign of Edgar the Peaceable in the second half of thetenth century. The counties of Wessex, Sussex and Essex have alwaysbeen the bulwark of our nation, and by liberating Mercia andNorthumbria from the bestial Viking, they proved the superiority of3Saxon ways over Angle regional government, which had been wipedforever from the face of the earth by the barbarous Danes.However, we should not fall into the error of imagining that itwas only in the tenth century that our people made the transition fromtribalism to nationalism. Bede in his Ecclesiastical History of theEnglish People, completed in 731, treats the terms Angle and Saxon asinterchangeable. Far too much is made of the passage where he dividesthe people into the Angles of the North, the Saxons of the South and theJutes of Kent and the Isle of Wight. If one reads the whole work, it isclear that tribal loyalties were replaced by national consciousness verysoon after our ancestors crossed the North Sea. Archaeological remainsindicate that these tribes came together under the unifying force ofSaxon culture. Saxon pottery and brooches are to be found throughoutwhat a handful of cranks claim was distinctively Angle territory. Theterm Angle was favoured over the more accurate description of ourcountry as Saxon, because from the very birth of our nation, we wishedto distinguish ourselves from the barbarous tribes out of which we hademerged into the light of Christian faith and independent nationhood.In order to understand how Christianity came to be preserved inour country, it is necessary to know something about the so called Celts,the designation given to the peoples who dwelt in England prior to thearrival of the Romans. Rather than being a race, the 'Celts' were a stew oftribes from many different stocks. This is why the 'Celts' neverproduced an art form that is uniquely their own and instead importeddesigns and techniques from other cultures. Some of the 'Celts' camefrom Africa, others from Asia, a good number were of Germanicstock. Any objective observer will accept the truth of this statementbecause it is the only way of explaining the bizarre mixture of dark andfair complexions found among the so called Celtic peoples. A ratherunsatisfactory treatment of the migrations of the black 'Celts' fromAfrica is to be found in Ancient and Modern Britons by David MacRitchie.Fortunately, a proportion of Germanic 'Celts' kept themselvesaloof from the racial hodge-podge that was ancient Britain, a chaos ofpeoples whose blood was so debased that they were completely unable toresist the latinisation of their mix and match 'culture' under Romanrule. When Christianity came to the country in the first century AD, theGermanic 'Celts' recognised the Word of God and formed what hasbecome known as the 'Celtic' Church. The majority of 'Celts' neverreally abandoned Druidism. However, that minority of families who'dpreserved their pure Germanic blood were sincere in accepting theGospel. After the collapse of Roman rule, the Celtic Church was riddledwith occultism. The racial elite who remained true to God's lawretreated to Thanet, fearing that they might become the victims of ritualhuman sacrifice.4 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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